Android Phones –Secure or Not


Phones containing Android operating system are the most used phones in Pakistan and around the globe. In Pakistan except Iphones almost all the phones are Android. It includes Q-mobile, Samsung, Huawei, Nexus and many others. If you are using Android phones and are considering 100% security of privacy, well you might be wrong here.


A phone is the most personal thing and contains a person’s data which sometimes he wants to keep only to himself. With great advancements in technology comes privacy and ease and along with that destruction and ill legal activities are also born. Hacking is also very common these days . A hacker by simply knowing your email ID can hack all the accounts possessed by you and then nothing remains safe, all he has to do is to send you a link and when you put your email and password in it and that is the moment at which the same is being displayed on his computer screen.Either he can simply send you a video link opening which you are hacked.


Android phone can be hacked by a single MMS the hacker will send you. The moment you open the MMS and video in it .The hacker accesses your gallery app and other audio and video apps, as the MMS contains malware and it requires only the user’s phone number. Security expert Joshua Drake, vice president of platform research and exploitation at mobile security firm Zimperium, was the one to discover the exploit.

In case of app like Google Hangouts there is no need to open the message and see the video in order activate hack even because it automatically opens and activates all the attachments in the message and the device is at 0 privacy already.

Once the hack is activated the hacker can enter into gallery app and delete the message containing malicious content leaving no trace of him behind`.


Behind the automatic processing, playback and recording of multimedia files on Android phones is the multimedia playback tool called Stagefrightand it is responsible for the execution of hacking code to be triggered once MMS is received and activated through app likes Hangouts. Every app handling multimedia file makes use of Stagefrightin some way. This is the worst android flaw ever.

Google is trying its best to fix this problem through patching its internal codes. The problem which can cause serious damage to its image.


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